This Notice is hereby given to the public in general and film trade in particular that our Client, Kings United India the famed hip-hop dance group from India (“Client”) had vide an agreement dated April 26, 2019 executed between Boss India Entertainment LLP (“BIEL”) and our Client (“Agreement”) granted the limited rights (“Rights”) to develop, produce and exploit a cinematograph film (“Film”) to BIEL based on the life story and journey of our Client and its members (“Story”).
Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, BIEL was obligated to commence the production of the Film within 18 (eighteen) months from the execution of the Agreement (“Commencement Period”) Pursuant to BIEL’s failure to commence the production of the Film within the Commencement Period, the Agreement between the Client and BIEL now stands terminated w.e.f October 26, 2020 (“Effective Date”), as a consequence of which all Rights in the Story have reverted to the Client for the territory of the world and in perpetuity.
By virtue of the termination of the Agreement and with effect from the Effective Date mentioned hereinabove, our Client is the sole and exclusive owner and right holder of all rights, title and interest in the Rights in the Story, including without limitation to all intellectual property rights, derivative rights and the right to exploit the Story on a worldwide and perpetual basis including having the sole and exclusive rights to produce full length feature films , web series and any other audio visual content, etc on all modes, mediums and formats now known or coming into existence in the near future.
It is hereby placed on record that neither BIEL nor anyone acting through BIEL have any rights, title or interest over the Rights stated herein.
All are hereby cautioned and put to notice not to enter into any transaction and/or dealing with any other third party / entity in especially BEIL and any persons acting through them claiming to be the licensee / assignee / repository of any of the said Rights, and if they do so, they will be doing so at their own cost and peril.
Any understanding / contractual engagement entered into without the prior written consent of the Client shall be illegal, unauthorised and void and shall not be binding on the Client and/or its affiliates.
The same would constitute an infringement of the Rights and the Client reserves the rights to initiate appropriate legal action against such entities.
Any person, firm or company having any claim or rights of whatsoever nature, in relation to the Rights and/or our Client in any manner either by way of assignment, pledge, gift, charge, mortgage, litigation, license, lien, transfer or reservation of any nature may please inform us in writing in English along with documentary proof of evidence of claim at the address mentioned below within fifteen (15) days of this notice failing which no claims whatsoever against shall be entertained and all claims received thereafter shall be deemed invalid and/or summarily and unconditionally renounced/waived by such claimants and our Client shall be free to proceed with dealing with the Rights in such manner as our Client deems fit.
Date: 10-01- 2021
M/s Neo Juris
F-2 Kailash Colony,
Lower Ground Floor,
New Delhi-110048
(Contact – arjun@neojuris.com)