Bombay Film Production serves content and creative design both in print and online through world-class design, bold photography, high end videography, and captivating writing. We point you out the best in Luxury & Beauty, fashion & Lifestyle, Films, Music, Arts, Culture and more. We also introduce you to the most fascinating people about Film, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty and dig deep on the subjects and content that matter most to the readers/viewers. We passionately chronicle and celebrate this complicated, wonderful work that we execute together.
Our Services
Be Creative & More Productive
We use a unique concept of designing & advertising which raises your company profile and will bring you new customers; it will endorse your existing clients, and will result in new business.
Film Casting
Every film has a story whether it’s a short film, feature film or music album and Tvc and that story can be well shown to the audience by casting the actor which live and act like the character written in story and that’s what Casting means.
Film Production
For us, it’s never ‘your film’, it’s always ‘our film’ and with our cost-efficient solutions, you get a lot more for every rupee spent in terms of quality & Impact full Output.
Video Editing
Video editing is the art, technique and practice of assembling shots into a coherent sequence. The job of an editor is not simply to put the shots of a film together, it’s an art of joining different shots together in such a way that output gives you a complete story.
Acting Classes
Everything you can’t learn by yourself sometimes you need a mentor to guided you well in such a way, who can point out your weakness enhance your skills.
Book the Artist
We have well-known artist from the film industry for films, TV Commercials, Music Videos, Serials and for various events like inauguration, conferences, presences, hosting, anchoring and many more. We try to fit the best artist within your budget.
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